About the Vigil for Visas

A group of would-be hosts, sponsors and supporters of Ukraine, is holding this Vigil for
Visas with a very simple question – Where are they?

Over five weeks since the Homes for Ukrainians scheme was launched thousands of people are
still waiting to hear if visas have been granted to people they’ve volunteered to host.

One volunteer host, commented:
“We’re tired of the “the dog ate your visa” type excuses the Home Office is using. Increasing
numbers of stories are emerging of “lost” visas, duplications, call handler frustrations at the
lack information, and MPs lobbying fruitlessly on behalf of constituents. It’s not good enough.
Where are the Visas? This time lag costs lives. I’ve promised my home to a family and every
night I worry that I will wake up to hear they will never be coming.

Of particular concern is the growing number of cases where only some family members have
received visas and others are still being “processed” when they were submitted at the same
time and with key information linking one with the other.

The organisers of the vigil believe –

‘Whether it’s cock-up or conspiracy – the clock is
ticking. We’re “doing our bit” by offering refuge, now the Home Office has to do its bit
because we won’t stop until we can claim victory for our visa applications.’