The Vigil For Visas demands

  1. Simplify the visa application process and make fit for purpose

    People are NOT applying to come on holiday – they are fleeing for their lives. Get rid
    of all the irrelevant questions, shorten it, link children with parent(s) – all under ONE

  2. Create a means for Hosts to Track the application once submitted

    Phoning a Call Centre where the Handler has NO means of checking the application,
    knows nothing about the process and blocks contact with any superiors is a waste of
    taxpayers time and money and abuses the goodwill of Hosts.
    Pressuring MP’s to look into individual cases is ad hoc and based on luck, personal
    interests and political agenda – an entirely unacceptable way to manage a Visa
    application system in any situation, especially war

  3. Hold the ‘Commercial Partner’ dealing with the submission of documentation to account

    Nothing submitted is acknowledged. The company is unknown, unreachable and
    unaccountable. This is completely unacceptable as they are receiving taxpayers
    money for their service but offer no clarity, process, or communication.

  4. Speed it up! Delays are deadly

    Citing ‘security risks’ for a woman and children under 10, granting a visa to one child
    but not their sibling and thereby deliberately slowing the process is both cynical and
    deadly. Thousands are waiting to be granted visas after 5 weeks – stop the rhetoric
    about how world-beating this country is and how we have such a long history of
    providing safety for those fleeing. It is NOT true.

    Millions have flooded into Poland, Germany, Hungary etc without visas. This country
    is deliberately slow and hoping the situation will go away.

  5. Be truthful

    Many rumours are circulating that those who applied over the first weekend from
    18/03 – 21/03 have had their data lost by the Home Office who were surprised by the
    volume of applications. Tell us the truth so we can reapply if necessary. Stop
    misleading us.